Woolwich is also my home.
This idea of being a more respected part of London changed tonight; Woolwich was one of the main places hit in the riots with estimates buzzing on Twitter of 50-200 youths flooding the streets throughout the hours there was activity. I have confirmation that the The Great Harry (pub) has been torched, the T-Mobile shop and Wimpy restaurant. Various other shops such as JD Sports have been broken into too. I can only bare to imagine what it will be like when I go down to help clean up the mess today.
I wish all my fellow Londoners and Woolwich residents the best and I hope you're all safe. Here are some videos captured of the events. I must warn these involve swearing and violence.
Source: @jelvesie
Source: @Jellyfielders
* It has been confirmed people attempted to break into Barclays bank.
* Picture of Barclays; rumors of Wilkinsons being torched seem true (middle of picture)
Source; http://yfrog.com/h032jzzj
* Rioters tore down the window of Charles Dance Jewellers in Hare Street. Source
* Blue Inc clothes shop on Wellington Street was set alight, it took 20 fire fighters to put it out, rumored to be still smoldering. Source
* Rumors Game Station employees have lost their jobs to the rioters. Source: family members friend.
* The Great Harry has been seemed unstable and might have to be demolished. Source
* A chilling photo stream of what the carnage of last night looks like; Source: William Ralph
Damn, what a bunch of dumbasses. I'm sorry to hear about that. Hope things get back on track quickly.
For fuck sake, I wish the police were aloud to just beat shit into those stupid "people". Or at least jsut fucking shoot them. There's no reason for this.